Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Noah de paseo en San Francisco.

Noah invade el pier 39 de San Francisco.

Noah rieendose como siempre!

Mas Fotos de Noah.

Noah en la alberca por primera vez.

Aquie estamos en una fiesta del dia del padre. el tema fue mardigra, a Noah le gustaron las mascaras.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Noah's 1st Birthday

Este es parte de el video de el Primer Cumpleanos de Noah.
This is Noah at his Birthday Party

Friday, August 14, 2009


My baby is turning 1. Can you believe it. I can't. It went by so fast. Everybody says that.....because it is true. I am glad I believed all those people who told be that because I tried to enjoy every day with him and take it all in and now he is one. I am of course glad that he walks and talks and can entertain himself sometimes. But I miss breastfeeding and late night dances. It is exciting though. He can do so many things and still surprises me everyday. He has the best personality. A total flirt. He is always making eyes at the ladies and they just drown him in OOOHs and AAAHs. He laughs at everything and he is so driven and curious. I love that about him. He loves to just sit and look through books and he loves to have singing time,"Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "If your happy and you know it" are the fav's. He loves the water,bath, lake, pool whatever is wet and he can slash. He loves to wrestle and I think his favorite it when he play with his 6 year old uncle Yahir. He trys to immitate whatever yahir does or says.
This saturday we are having his 1st birthday. Me and my mother in law are making Tamales, Rice, Beans, Salsa and Chips YUM. It's a monkey party. I made monkey invitations and monkey cups, monkey bags and monkey coloring pages for the kids. There will be cake, pinata, bubble machine and coloring at his party with board books and crayons as take home gifts. I am so excited. I will take lots of pictures and post asap.
I am also excited because Rachel (my little sis) is back from her 18month mission in Germany. We missed her and I can't wait to talk to her and for her to see Noah.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

More Recent Pics

I don't have time to write but here are some pics of Noah

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Noah y su Carro

Noah jugando con su carrito en la cocina.

Noah playing with his car in the kitchen.

Noah Jugando

Noah Jugando con su Mama y despues haciendo un verinche.

Noah Playing with his Mom and then throwing a fit.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Recent Pics

Noah with Cris when we went to the zoo a couple weeks ago.
Noah at 7 months old.

He loves to play in his laudry basket.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Noah says...

Uncle Dani put this wig on my head...but oh well, I'm still cute.

For x-mas I got a sweater that matches
the sweater of my favorite monkey.
I love monkeys.

Dad, Son, and Grandfather

This is a pic from x-mas eve but it is such a cute pic
I just had to share.

Our little crazy

Sometimes he is just so crazy. He makes the funniest faces and loves to talk. This pic was from december.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Noah con el senor Socko, Tambien le gusta ver los pajaros y arboles en la yarda, le gusta desaojarse con el senor Socko cuando nadielo entiemde.

Aqui esta Noah comiendo comida por primeravez, desde entonces ya a probado muchas cosas, como el pan, la limonada, yogurt, frutas,muchas formas de medicina, y hasta unos taquitos dorados que le volo a una de sus abuelitas mientras ella estaba platicando.

Su Primera Navidad!

Aqui esta Noah con Suprimer arbol de navidad, despues la esta haciendo de el nino Jesus, y las otras son de una posada que tubimos en nuetra casa.